how to make better trading decisions by increasing your cryptocurrency knowledge

Cryptocurrency wasn’t very popular and was tagged as a scam a few years ago. Fast forward to 2024, where we see a digital Nigeria with 6.32 million crypto traders contributing to a market capital of $32.58 million.

Despite the impressive numbers, many people still don’t fully understand crypto trading. When asked how they trade, they often reply, “I just took training from one crypto guru.” Yes, mentoring is important, but relying solely on a mentor may not be enough.

Your mentor might not teach you all they know about trading; this is why you need to search for more knowledge yourself.

Why is Crypto Education important?

Cryptocurrency education goes beyond merely knowing the basics of cryptocurrency. It’s about understanding how it can transform how we handle money, with transactions being instantly confirmed and recorded on a secure, unchangeable blockchain.

Just as you wouldn’t sail a ship without knowing the sea, you shouldn’t trade cryptocurrencies without understanding how to read market trends and make informed decisions. This guide will help you learn the essentials of interpreting market trends, using the right tools for analysis, making smart investment choices, and understanding the risks and rewards involved. 

Cryptocurrency Tools for Market Data Interpretation

Market trends in cryptocurrency are similar to predicting weather patterns. Just as meteorologists use data to forecast weather changes, traders use various indicators to anticipate market movements. Here’s a detailed guide on how to read and interpret these trends, along with a real-life case study.

Price Movement

Price Movement Analysis (PMA) examines how prices fluctuate within the market, focusing on the shifts from high to low and back again as driven by market makers (MM). Economic factors influence these price changes, and their effects are clearly visible on price charts. Whether these factors are processed by human traders or automated systems, the resulting price patterns appear on the chart.

Instead of analyzing countless economic factors every day—which is not feasible—you can simplify your trading approach by focusing on price action analysis. This method allows you to understand and respond to all market influences by observing and trading based on the price movements they generate. By analyzing the price chart, you can spot trends like:

  • Bullish Trend: When the price consistently rises, it indicates a bullish trend, much like sunny weather. Investors feel optimistic, and the demand for the cryptocurrency increases, driving the price up.
  • Bearish Trend: When the price consistently falls, it indicates a bearish trend, similar to stormy weather. Investors feel pessimistic, and the demand for the cryptocurrency decreases, causing the price to drop.


Volume in trading represents the total number of units of an asset, such as stocks, cryptocurrencies, or commodities, that you trade within a specific period. It’s a crucial indicator of market activity and liquidity, showing how many shares, contracts, or units are bought and sold over a given timeframe, like a day or hour.

When you see high trading volume, it usually means there’s strong market liquidity. This indicates that many buyers and sellers are actively participating, making it easier for you to execute trades without significantly affecting the asset’s price. Conversely, low volume suggests less market interest and can lead to more pronounced price fluctuations.

For instance, if you notice that a price increase is accompanied by high volume, it generally means that the uptrend is strong and supported by active trading. However, if prices rise with low volume, it could signal a weaker trend or potential reversal. Spikes in volume can also reveal important market events or shifts in sentiment, such as news announcements or significant financial changes.

Moving Averages

Moving Averages are essential tools in trading and investing that help you identify trends by smoothing out price data over a specific period. They make it easier to see a trend’s overall direction and strength.

A Moving Average calculates the average price of an asset over a set number of periods, such as days, weeks, or months. For example, a 10-day moving average averages the asset’s closing prices over the past 10 days.

There are two main types of Moving Averages:

  1. Simple Moving Average (SMA): This type adds up the closing prices for a set period and divides by the number of periods. For example, a 50-day SMA takes the average of the closing prices over the last 50 days. It provides a straightforward view of the average price but can lag behind recent price changes.
  2. Exponential Moving Average (EMA): This type gives more weight to recent prices, making it more responsive to recent price changes. The EMA calculates the average using a formula that gives emphasis on the latest data points, providing a more up-to-date reflection of the price trend.

Benefits of Moving Averages

Moving Averages help you spot trends by smoothing out price fluctuations. When the price is above the moving average, it often signals an uptrend, while being below the moving average may indicate a downtrend. They can also act as support or resistance levels; for instance, a rising moving average might support the price during a pullback in an uptrend. Crossovers between short-term and long-term moving averages can suggest potential buy or sell opportunities.

Comparing different moving averages, such as a 50-day versus a 200-day moving average, helps you understand the strength and duration of a trend. Shorter moving averages react quickly to price changes, while longer ones offer a broader view of the trend. To sum it up, Moving Averages provide valuable insights into trends and market conditions by smoothing out price data and revealing underlying patterns.

Tools and Resources for Cryptocurrency Market Analysis

For effective market analysis, Here are some essential tools and resources to consider:

  • TradingView: A leading charting platform that offers customizable charts, technical indicators, and community-driven insights. It’s widely used for analyzing price trends and making predictions based on historical data.
  • This is one of the most popular tools for receiving daily crypto trading signals.

You’ll get trading recommendations sent directly to you via Telegram, allowing you to assess the signals in real time and make trades based on the advice. Each signal provided by gives you everything you need to place a trade. You’ll know which crypto pair to trade, whether to place a buy or sell order, and the exact limit, take-profit, and stop-loss levels to set.

  • CoinMarketCap

A comprehensive market aggregator that provides real-time data on cryptocurrency prices, market capitalization, trading volume, and rankings. It’s a go-to resource for tracking the overall market health.

  • Jackocoins:  

Platforms like Jackocoins deliver the latest news, expert opinions, and in-depth analysis. 

Keeping up with crypto news can help you anticipate market shifts influenced by global events.

  • Glassnode

An on-chain data analysis platform that offers insights into blockchain data, such as transaction volumes, network activity, and investor behavior. It’s essential for understanding the fundamentals behind market movements.

  • Crypto Fear & Greed Index: This tool gauges market sentiment by analyzing volatility, trading volume, social media trends, and other factors. It helps you understand whether the market is driven by fear or greed, which can be a key indicator for making informed decisions.

Where is the Best Place to Learn About Cryptocurrency?

A great place to learn about cryptocurrency is Jackocoins

It’s not just an exchange platform, Jackocoins is a comprehensive educational platform that aims to explain the concepts of digital currencies and blockchains. They give simple guides and tools that make learning about cryptocurrency easy and beginner-friendly.

With clear and up-to-date information, Jackocoins helps you understand the basics and more advanced topics. It’s a valuable resource for gaining practical insights and making smart decisions in the crypto world.

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